Free 10 Tips to Improve your Spanish Speaking Skills

Spanish is undoubtedly one of the languages that sound fast when spoken. Even though many hold that most foreign languages sound fast when you cannot comprehend, spoken Spanish almost tops that list. It explains why most learners find the Spanish speaking bit an extreme sport.

However, improving your Spanish speaking skills is not as dreadful as most claim. If you are looking to sharpen your Spanish speaking skills, here are tips that will help you speak Spanish like a native:

Listen to Spanish Talk Shows and Podcasts

Listening to Spanish content helps improve your Spanish listening and speaking skills. By doing so, you realize and understand the Spanish accent and get the pronunciation of certain words. Besides, you get to comprehend more than just by reading or writing.

We, therefore, recommend looking up Spanish songs, talk shows, and podcasts. While starting, feel free to pick out random spoken content in Spanish. At this point, your focus should be on being able to differentiate spoken Spanish from other languages (even if you do not fully understand it yet).

Practice active listening while paying attention to the similarities in pronunciation, dialect, and accent. Then, once you can comprehend it, pick spoken Spanish content that you resonate with or that interest you and start talking like them.

Best Spanish Shows and Podcasts:

Watch Spanish Movies with Spanish Subtitles

Another tip that works magic in Spanish comprehension and eventual Spanish speaking is watching Spanish movies. Here, you are not only actively listening to the actors but also watching their body language and pronunciation.

We recommend starting with English subtitles if you are trying to comprehend the Spanish language while learning to speak it. However, shift to Spanish subtitles after gaining confidence in your understanding of Spanish.

Start with Spanish children’s shows and movies since they are usually simpler and shorter. Focus on mastering their pronunciation and accent and try to construct sentences like them. You could watch the film several times where you focus on speaking more Spanish each new time.

Immerse yourself in the Spanish Culture

The best way to improve your Spanish speaking skills is by immersing yourself in the Spanish culture. It is why students studying abroad have a greater chance of learning and being fluent in a foreign language. Here are ways you can immerse yourself in the Spanish culture:

Move to a Spanish-speaking Country

If you have the resources and ability, moving to a Spanish-speaking country will improve your Spanish-speaking skills and have you sounding like a native. Students that move abroad tend to feel intimidated in the beginning. However, we encourage you to take up the challenge and view it as a grand opportunity to be fluent in Spanish speaking.

Moving to a Spanish-speaking country makes it easy for you to improve your Spanish-speaking skills because the Spanish language surrounds you. You are always hearing it, listening to it, reading it, and speaking it. Even the grocery store may demand you to speak it.

However, as an international student in a Spanish-speaking country, it can be tempting to make friends with English speakers (or any other language you are accustomed to). Besides, it can be tempting to want to speak English at all times. However, we advise you to hold yourself back and attempt to speak Spanish more than you do in English.

Live in a Household full of native Spanish Speakers

If moving abroad is an option, try living in a household full of native Spanish speakers. It could be your friend or your side of the family that speaks Spanish. Ask them to talk to you only in Spanish when you are around.

Also, if you have close friends or family in your area code that are native Spanish speakers, ask to spend a few days at their household. Be intentional about speaking Spanish. Let them correct you when you make a mistake, and watch your Spanish-speaking skills improve.

Interact with native Spanish Speakers Online and Offline

We understand how daunting it can be to interact with people that speak a foreign language. However, if you are studying abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, you almost have no choice since you are bound to hear Spanish more often.

With that, we advise that you get out of your comfort zone and interact with native Spanish speakers. You could push yourself to make about five new friends that are native Spanish speakers. Open up to them about your decision to want to improve your Spanish speaking skills.

Besides, the digital era has made it easy for people to connect to others from different parts of the world. You could make online friends that are native Spanish speakers and have them hold you accountable for your learning.

Often, they will start speaking Spanish more to you. The more they speak, the more you will understand how a word sounds and how to construct sentences and speak in Spanish.

Since communication is two-way, you will find yourself speaking back. We know the beginning can be hectic, and you may butcher a few words or phrases. However, the more you practice, the better you speak Spanish.

Use Language-learning Applications

There exist adequate online applications and tools that you can use to improve your Spanish speaking skills. These include Duolingo, Mango, and Memrise. You could set aside up to half an hour a day to practice Spanish speaking.

Change your Default Phone Language from English (or any other) to Spanish

We live in a digital era where we spend most of our time on smartphones and online. Since you are constantly glaring at your phone, one handy tip would be to change your default phone language to Spanish.

You could also allow sound alerts in Spanish, where the phone notifies you about things, but in Spanish. Such will quicken your chance of learning Spanish speaking and the Spanish language in general.


At any point in time, others are seeking what you are seeking. Find a community online of like-minded people from different nationalities looking to improve their Spanish-speaking skills. Join online groups and watch yourself motivate each other in your journey.

Stay Patient but Consistent

Improving your Spanish speaking skills requires patience and consistency. Make it part of your daily routine if you are hungry to sharpen the skill. Do not forget to have fun at it.


Improving your Spanish speaking skills is easier than most perceive. You are good to go by interacting with native Spanish speakers, networking, watching Spanish movies, and being intentional about speaking Spanish more (even when ordering coffee). All in all, extend grace to yourself while staying consistent in this exciting journey.

Also read: 7 Tips on How to Improve your Spanish Writing Skills

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  1. Talha says


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