How to Learn a New Language Effectively | 7 Important tips

Are you looking for the best approach to new language fluency? After spending months interacting with new language learners, it became apparent that students get confusing information regarding how to learn a new language effectively.

So, how do you tell if you are on the right track to learning a new language effectively? Here are the best ways to go about language learning while debunking some myths that cost students multilingualism:

Master Pronunciation in the Beginning

According to experts, you can never be fluent in a language until you hack its pronunciation. The best way to prove this is to recall when someone claimed to be good at your native language only to miss the pronunciation bit. And, while they may get everything else right, they are not yet fluent in your eyes.

Since this same tactic applies to you, start by mastering how speakers pronounce words in the language you want to learn. Also, experts hold that it is easier to master pronunciation earlier on than later.

If you want to practice pronunciation, listen to natives speak the language. Then, attempt speaking like them while stressing the intonations and dictions that make the words sound how they do.

Start Simple

When starting out, most language learners want to know everything immediately. They want to know sentence structure, complex words, and even how to word different phrases. However, wanting to master everything about a new language, especially in the beginning, will only confuse you and reduce your chance of effective learning.

Experts recommend using simple materials in the earlier stages of learning a language. According to them, this exposes them to about a hundred to two hundred words that form half the language.

Such is why language tutors and teachers advise learners to read children’s books and watch children’s movies in the language they want to learn. Get Spanish books from the kids’ section if you want to learn Spanish. This way, they understand the basics of the language, including vocabulary and sentence structures.

Begin Speaking Early

Another tip to effectively learn a new language is to speak it early. Most wait for the perfect moment to start speaking it without realizing that the longer they wait, the more difficult it becomes.

Starting to speak a new language early builds your confidence in the language. It also helps you notice and fix any mistakes in grammar or pronunciation early. Such helps to form a solid foundation and build your fluency in the language.

However, most people claim they do not have people to speak to. To combat this, research and join language groups in your area. You could also use language learning applications like Duolingo or Google Translate to build your confidence in the foreign language.

Create an Immersive Personal Experience

Learning a new language effectively requires you to be intentional and consistent. Create an immersive personal experience to remind you of the language throughout.

For instance, start by watching more say, Spanish content, often online and offline. Doing this online will only bring more such recommendations, prompting you to consume more Spanish content.

Another tip is changing subtitles from English to Spanish (or other languages you are learning). You could also change your phone language from English to Spanish. Such will push you out of your comfort zone and boost your language skills fast.

Another way of immersing yourself in the language is by making new friends that are native language speakers of the language you want to learn. Request them to speak to you in the language and ask for constructive criticism when you attempt to speak the new language.

Use Qualified Teachers and Tutors

Nothing is more disappointing than trusting an unqualified language teacher to train you in language fluency. To avoid being poor at a new language, do thorough research to ensure that you are picking qualified and resourceful tutors for your language learning.

These days, the internet is full of online language learning schools that promise heaven. Before committing to a website or course, look at ratings and conduct a social experiment to avoid disappointments.

It is also important to find tutors that are patient and understanding. Anyone that tries to rush you through something you are having a difficult time mastering will only slow down your chances of learning the language effectively.

Use Flashcards and Apply the Spaced Repetition Technique

Learning a new language should be fun, enlightening, and thought-provoking. It is why the art of using flashcards promotes effective language learning. You could also use applications like Anki to provide spaced repetition when testing your language mastery using flashcards.

According to psychologists, people learn better when they apply the art of spaced repetition instead of cramming. It means that you learn a language better when you look at a word, phrase, or sentence everyday for five days than looking at the same word, phrase or sentence five times in one day.

Use Context and Relation for a Natural and Lasting Learning

Experts hold that you are more likely to remember a word or phrase in a foreign language when you link it to a personal experience. It is why they recommend using a memory technique known as mnemonics.

For instance, if you are learning Chinese, you will realize that a book is ‘Shu’ in Mandarin. Native English speakers can link that to “shoe” to always remember that. It means that any time they spot a shoe, their mind will automatically attach that to a book in Mandarin.

While using context and mnemonics is beneficial, experts advise against overusing it since it can harm your long-term language skills.


If you want to learn a new language effectively, focus on the long-term benefits. We recommend mastering the pronunciation early enough, immersing yourself in the language, and using context to boost familiarity. Also, start simple and avoid cramming as much as possible.

Also read: How to Learn Sign Language Online

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